June 14, 2016

Time has told


Scratching below every surface, niggling away, decisions are put off in the expectation that time will tell.

For most of them, time has told.

– The marketing campaign that’s failed to drive any benefit.

– The new hire who’s proved her worth and is now due that review and salary hike.

– The tardy production worker who promised to turn over a new leaf but continues to let his colleagues down.

– The risky new product that’s caught a wave – time to double down.

– The risky new product that’s caught a cold – time to pull the rug.

– The supplier who’s become more miss than hit.

– The pilot project that’s absolutely shown itself as a better way to do things around here.

When the plan was based on “wait and see”, and you’ve waited, and you’ve seen … move on.

Skippy strategy: If time has told, do what it says.
