March 14, 2018

Show them out


A team member who fails to meet their commitments, misses their promises, runs a sloppy ship and is weak at communications … is in pretty poor shape and needs, in the first instance at least, some loving management (for which read, a blended mix of arm ‘round the shoulder and kick in the arse). Give them the benefit of the doubt, work with them, keep a positive outlook … at least for one cycle.

So much, so management.


A team member who under (erm) performs like that AND gets defensive, won’t listen, points fingers and side-steps their responsibility … is a whole other ball of waxing un-lyrical.

When that happens – when coaching doesn’t work, when feedback is flung back, when your positive expectations turn inside out – something has to swing.

And that something is definitive action.

Teams deserve better – and they deserve you to do your job.

Skippy strategy: Show them out.
