Results for the category: Teams

It’s not your vision

January 28, 2025

Reflection Bringing new things into the world, whether a product or service or process or any kind of change, you naturally focus on the critical stage gates. The start is one thing... READ MORE

Travelling together

January 22, 2025

Car You start with a desire for consensus. You get there by drawing pictures whenever the conversation turns interesting. Back of the napkin, big whiteboards, scraps of paper - at every meeting... READ MORE

This then this

January 17, 2025

Pontoon Bringing new things into the world, like products or services or processes or any kind of change, means doing entirely new things or doing old things in new ways. That’s... READ MORE

Disruptive dysfunctional

January 14, 2025

Harbour Some people are amazing on their own. Set them a task and they’ll bring it back completed and tied in a pretty red bow. If you show any interest, they’ll... READ MORE

Micromanagers fall into two categories

January 10, 2025

Development Micromanagement happens when a manager thinks their way of doing things is the only way that works or matters. Either, they trust their experience over anyone else’s and are comfortable pushing... READ MORE