October 18, 2015

Help with dizzy heads


In your dreams, what will you do? Easter Island, a novel, Antarctic marathon, private jet? It’s free, no strings, anything goes. Unrelated, disjointed, friable. A different list tomorrow.

Companies don’t grow on dreams. They can’t do everything or change their mind every day. They need cohesion, connection, adhesion.

Plans map out the what and how of the next months or years. You organise for them, finance to meet them, build teams around them, make decisions based on them, commit time and people and cash to them – all in the knowledge that what you’re doing has an end in mind.

There are banks to the river of ideas – everything flowing in one direction.

Without a plan, ideas tricky down fault lines – every direction at the same time and nowhere in particular. Every decision a tactical debate, left or right?

How about this way AND that way?

Might be fun, but beware the dizzy heads and spinning wheels.

A clear focus isn’t just about saying Yes to one thing, it’s about saying No to everything else. And that’s what frees the time to get things moving again.

Skippy Strategy: The first step to get moving again? Decide where you want to go.

