April 15, 2024

A time out


Most times, it’s about pushing forward. Taking the knock backs and the cul de sacs and the dragging through treacle and the spaghetti maze as you slowly-slowly make baby steps of progress. There is no finish line, it’s not a race. It’s just a tough road that you’re travelling.

And, even if it is head-against-the-wall frustrating at times, it’s still rewarding and compelling and interesting and you’re working with people you like, respect and trust. It’s a sprint-marathon tough-mudder joyful-misery mountain-challenge.

Some times though, you have to call it.

Zero forward motion, a questionable journey, insurmountable mountains, joy only ebbing.

And every other road looks difficult for sure, but a heap more interesting.

A time out, at least. Stopping for a breather, sitting on a bridge, and reassessing. Should we change paths, change behaviours, switch out travellers, break the fellowship, rest a while, recommit?

Skippy strategy: Dogged, not dogmatic.
