Actual steps
It’s all very well having a to-do list and a plan. Simple or complicated as you like. Jotted down over coffee and a bun or sweated over with colleagues and consultants and trapped into a sharing app. Lovely. We can talk about it, share it, discuss the details, argue over the meaning and dream about what life will be like when it’s done. Slap ourselves on the back for the achievement of taking to first step.
But it’s all the other steps that really count. The ones that get you from here to there. And that’s the real work. Execution. Getting everyone (and that means you) to do the things they’ve committed to doing (and that means you). It means managing every step and holding everyone (and that means you) accountable.
In short … great plan! … now get on with it.
Skippy strategy: Take the actual steps.
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