December 12, 2017

An it’s-done list


So many meetings. So very very many meetings. Talking and talking and talking about everything and nothing. The good ones end in some kind of conclusion – where the decisions are summarised and the actions noted and the responsibilities set.

And then the sun rises anew and the day-to-day needs a catch up, and new fires need fighting, and other meetings are calling, and the action list gets longer or dustier as intention and commitment fade to wish and desire.

And more often than is healthy .. the next time we meet … we talk and talk again, and make the same decision and not the same actions and responsibilities.

Say it ain’t so.

Make it not so.

Take your responsibilities, cut them into bite size pieces, chow down. Turn the to-do list into an it’s-done list. At the next meeting, look forward not back.

Skippy strategy: After the meeting, chow down.
