
Whatever needs to be done – whether it’s fixing the dripping tap in the kitchen to building a rocket ship – someone has to be responsible. The question is who?

It starts with such small things. After the meeting – who will communicate with the rest of the team? When it’s time to install – who will coordinate with the customer?

And it turns into the most important: follow through.

When it’s difficult to communicate, when email won’t do the job, when people are difficult to get hold of – you still have to fulfil on the job … because you’re responsible.

When it’s hard making contact, when no one’s playing ball, when the calendar keeps slipping – you have to keep pushing until the task can be ticked … because you’re responsible.

Responsibility isn’t a job title. It isn’t a line item on a to-do list.

It’s the entire, whole, game.

Skippy strategy: Treat responsibility responsibly.
