May 28, 2016

Boring admin?


There’s nothing exciting about admin.

There is a satisfaction in putting the right paper in the right pile and filing the pile in the right place. Something zen about the focus and the emptiness of the result. Nothing achieved but the well-being of completing the task at hand. No output, just space – on desk and in conscience.

The pay-off, if there is one, comes later.

Discretionary time when you need it for something else – like fighting fires and sparking imaginations. Organisational clarity – so you can easily hand things on to someone else. Free heads – with 100% space for solving conundrums and making decisions. Confidence – knowing how to do things and that you’re ahead of the count.

There’s nothing exciting about admin – except zen focus, time, clarity, freedom and confidence.

Skippy strategy: If you’re stuck with the admin, get stuck in.
