August 8, 2019

Important stuff


There are always so many things to get on with – solving the problems in front of you and preparing for the next one’s looming down the track – that it’s easy to put off thinking about the two things that make the long term difference: how you want things to change around here; and preparing for the things that may not happen, but if they do, will knock you sideways.

It’s the difference between the urgent and the important. Of course you have to work on the urgent, but ignore the important for too long and they’ll becomes urgent on their own as they punch you in the nose.

The trick is to work out what’s important and find time to put into it. And both only happen if you make them.

Skippy strategy: Carve out regular time from the day-to-day urgencies. Sit with your team. Work on and work out the important stuff.
