July 21, 2017

It’s follow through


If there’s one trait to look out for, to hire for, to measure against … it’s follow through.

When they (and you) do what they say they’re going to do, fulfil on the promise, push to completion. And not just to the point of getting the tick in the box … but going all the way, the the end, with a flourish and a little satisfied smile of a good job done well.

It’s about quality and reliability and trust. It’s about setting a high bar and jumping it every time. It’s about being in the group that everyone wants to work with. It’s the name at the top of the list.

When you’re the one making the decision – who do you call? The sort-of-finisher, or the nails-it-every-time?

When they look at you … what do they see?

Skippy strategy: Model the behaviours you’re looking for … always follow through.
