Junk jobs
There’s always a ton of junk jobs that need doing but have no priority. At all.
They have to be done, but not today.
They have to be done, but not today.
They have to be done, but not today.
They sit on the bottom of the to-do list gathering dust and guilt points.
Assuming you’ve scratched everything that belongs on a wish list …
Easy win one: delegate. Load as much as you can on hired help who have additional motivations to move things on.
Easy win two: five minute jobs. Stack ‘em in a special place for easy access, and knock one off whenever a ten minute wait makes dead time in the day.
Coincidental win: we’ve all had cancelled meetings. An unexpected hour. No distractions. No one pressing. Empty time.
Coffee, newspaper, nibble down the list.
Skippy strategy: If it belongs on the list, find the time.
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