Melt the ice
Sometimes things get stuck. Maybe they’re inherently difficult, or maybe someone on the other side of the conversation is difficult in their own right, maybe it’s you – whatever – they’re stuck down in stuckiness and nothing’s moving forward.
And then … things solidify. It’s not my problem, somebody (not me) needs to sort this stuff out and until they do, there’s nothing we can do.
And then … tick, tick, tick … the world keeps turning and here we sit, tick.
Warm things up.
Send an email, make a call.
Make an offer, suggest a next step, take the initiative, throw a bone. This might be useful, how do we move forward, maybe you’ve found a way through.
No recriminations, no guilt trips, no making life uncomfortable.
Just friendly, workaday, helpful, efficient. Did I mention friendly?
Melt the ice and get things flowing.
Skippy strategy: Give it a nudge.
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