January 10, 2020

Naming and framing


Not every one of your team can rock and roll all the time. Frustrating as it can be when you want to tear up trees, sometimes they just have to get on with their day job, responding to emails, managing their own teams, and sweeping away the glacial spoil that builds around them when they take themselves away from moving things forward.

Chances are, you have your own pile of mini boulders waiting for some quality time. Things you can’t outsource or delegate, things that need your touch, things that are based on your relationships. Now you have a minute …

If you’re still waiting, how about that other boulder you’ve pushed to the shadows: naming and framing some bigger objectives. The big things you’re working on that you don’t think of as projects. If you did, what difference would it make?

Skippy strategy: Spend time on the things you don’t usually spend time on.
