Nice noises
It’s easy to make nice noises. You do it all the time. They do it. We all do it.
We’ll discuss it next month. It’s on the agenda for our next investment committee. It’s with our procurement team. We’ve scheduled your prototype into our production run.
It jollyies things along and lets everyone move on to something else.
The problem comes when they’re really just kicking the can down the road. When all the nice words aren’t connected to nice actions. When the plans and next steps are wasted as promises turn into dreams.
What can you do about it?
Plan for both outcomes – they do what they say they’re going to do and commit, AND their nice noises are only that and lead to nowhere.
Only commit, only spend, only hire – when you hear more than words … when you see steps being taken.
Skippy strategy: Only actions speak.
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