October 10, 2019

Small page


Everyone’s working on different things.

Well, it’s not that they’re actually working on different things, it’s that they kinda-sorta are because they haven’t actually agreed what they are working on.

Well, it’s not that they’ve disagreed about it, it’s that they haven’t sat down and formed a coherent and shared view of the project.

So the lead developer is working on something that can be vaguely articulated by the business developer and that probably fits on the venn diagram of what the business manager things is going on – just not smack in the middle, not in the bulls-eye of why the budget was justified and the way it was discussed on the board and with the strategic partners.

Everyone’s on the same page (phew!) but it’s a very big page. A0.

And that’s too broad. Tighten up.

Skippy strategy: With a whiteboard, get everyone on the same small page.
