Some help
We all but up against our headroom sometimes. We all, deep in the weeds of the thing we know we need to do and we want to do well, find ourselves a the edge of our capacity or capability.
If it’s a capacity thing, all the old clearing-space tools apply, like delegating things, and re- and de-prioritising things. One way or another we find a little space in our schedule and put our shoulder through the door.
If it’s a capability thing, hmm, bring someone else to the part. Have a little humility, accept that you’re better doing the things you’re good at than struggling to do the things you don’t – and maybe never will – know how to do. Make the call, schedule some briefing time, light the blue touch paper and stand back for the fireworks to commence.
Skippy strategy: Bring in some help as soon as you know.
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