June 21, 2018

The measures


So everyone pays attention to the things that matter, you set up reporting metrics. The obvious for the boardroom relate to financials and their drivers, like profit, conversion rates, acquisition costs, churn. With a little tickling, every other team can come up with their own meaningful numbers that track and predict important dimensions in their world.

And as they say … what gets measured get managed.

So far so management school.

The thing about measures and managing … it’s a deceit. What gets measured gets measured, not managed. 

After you put the systems and processes in place, after the measures have been monitored, the management part doesn’t follow on it’s own, automatically, for free. Measures, whether in black and white or highlighted by follow-spots, are a dumb show on their own.

The managing part – like all management – takes time, attention, reporting, accountability, focus, repetition, planning, action, reaction.

Skippy strategy: Manage the measures, with attention.
