February 3, 2024

The real world above

Purple Ditch

We all fall down the rabbit hole once in a while. It’s a strange and interesting place that guarantees wonderful distractions with the added potential of turning up trumps. It’s also a time suck that keeps you separate from the real world above, and just might make everyone worry and some to lose interest and wander away on their own.

And we know. We know we’re falling. We know we’ve strayed from the path and we’re basing the adventure on hope and assumptions. Hope it will turn out for the good, assumption that everything will be ok when we get back.

And pretty often, we know it’s an indulgence we’re allowing ourselves to get away with when we wouldn’t let anyone else.

Climb out and get back with the team. Show them what it means to be part of something bigger.

Skippy strategy: Indulge curiosity … but don’t get lost.
