
It’s an important detail, it needs to be managed, so you put a measure in place. One that sets an expectation and determines whether the job is being done and being done right. 

It might be a number – bricks stacked, pages clicked, tomatoes canned, revenue generated, developers hired, specification agreed.

It might be timely – a deadline by which the report will be sent, the product will launch, the matter will be settled.

Now you can keep an eye, watch as numbers accumulate and milestones are hit, hold the responsible accountable, act like a measuring manager.

And that’s lovely, for a while.

Until the measure become mundane, when you assume you know what they’ll say, when you stop paying attention and take your eye off the spirit-level, when things go wonky, and you don’t even notice.

Keep checking … and set up alarms for variances when you can’t.

Skippy strategy: Set up alarms.
