July 9, 2016

What’s in the way?


There are things you can control, like how much time, talent and cash you throw at a defined project. Three people for three months with three pounds to produce three version zero prototypes.

It’s a plan, right? More like a wish list.

What about the things that stand between where you are now and your goal?

Like customers, routes to market, conflicting projects, lack of knowledge, incumbents, risk-aversion or the crushing lack of time or talent or cash in the first place. Obstacles.

How’re you going to deal with them?

Working out the how-to that overcomes everything between you and your goal is what turns a wish-list into a plan.

So, that thing you want to do … what’s in the way, and what’s the plan?

Skippy strategy: Name every obstacle between where you are today and the end of the game. What’s the plan for everything on the list?

First published 31st March 2015.
