Listen your way to decisions
Absolutely no doubt that you’re on your own with this one. No pushing down, no pushing up. The ball’s in your court, everyone’s effected, and it’s a tough call. What’s your decision?
One way is to hunker down, work through the pro’s and con’s and come to a conclusion.
Another way, a more effective, implementable, team oriented, get buy-in on–the-way way, is to listen before you speak.
Hard choices rarely have to be made in a moment so take time to take counsel. Everyone has an opinion – although they’re easily tainted if you open with yours – so hold back, ask nicely, and give them the space to answer.
Weigh up what you hear, take it in, synthesise. Then listen to your gut.
Skippy strategy: Next time you’re faced with a judgement call, educate your stomach by leading with questions and keeping your senses switched on.
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