May 4, 2009

Doers do things

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Next article May 5, 2009

Doing the impossible

4 Minute Mile Image copyright: balakov 55 years ago tomorrow, 6th May 1954, Roger Bannister became the first…


I’ve been a fan of the Honda ads for a long time. The first one I remember getting all evangelical about, in 2006, featured the line, “It’s good to hate.” Officially about their new diesel engines, for me the ad was a call to arms – let’s change what is bad.

See what you think:

This morning I came across “Keep Doing.” Like the first, it was made by UK agency Wieden & Kennedy, voiced by Garrison Keillor, and riffs on the theme of sorting things out.

I can’t imagine playing Keep Doing for people whilst we wait to start a meeting – which I did countless times with the 2006 ad – but I can already feel this quote working its way into my world.

Doers do things, things to move us forward, to make stuff better.

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Making Promises