March 28, 2009

Making promises

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Next article March 30, 2009

Is Oakley Skippy?

I've trained and raced in Oakley sunglasses over the years. To be honest I can take 'em or leave 'em. I like the way they keep the wind and…


To get customers you have to get in the market, and being in the market means being in the marketing business. Where is your marketing now?

  1. Are you making promises?
  2. Are you making promises people will care about?
  3. Are you making promises people will care about enough to pay you to fulfil?
  4. Are you making promises enough people will care about enough to pay you to fulfil?
  5. Are the people who care aware of the promises you make?

Most business owners worry about the number of messages when the key is making the right kind of promises.

This isn’t the art of pretty features or crunching costs per thousand names.

What value will you deliver?


Making Promises