A free pass
Customers are good at saying what they don’t like about something, how it fails, how they’re let down here and here and here. They’re just not very good at defining the future.
Not good at telling you what they want when they don’t already have it.
Which kinda-sorta sounds like a free pass for you working it out for them.
And it kinda-sorta is.
Right up to the point where you invest time and resources building something (MVP anyone?) – only then to discover that you didn’t know either.
The problem is in the kinda-sorta.
Before you build it, before you set out on a rough ocean, before you get emotionally invested in something because you ”just know, ok“ … ask.
Ask them, do you think this might help? Ask, how about this? Ask, would this solve the problem?
Skippy strategy: Don’t wait for the MVP, triangulate along the way.
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