How do we avoid the hard yards?
How do we avoid the hard yards?
Where’s the short cut? The way to have it all without any of the effort.
We’re special, surely? Maybe there’s a way to get where we want without putting in work and building a team and dealing with issues and working things out and taking missteps and making bad choices and finding our way and pushing on though.
A lucky break that falls in our lap and we land on the podium.
Like the movies.
But trusting to short cuts and lucky breaks doesn’t sound like a reliable strategy. Let’s try spitting, turning around three times and chanting something delusional about Tim Ferriss to the all powerful Oz.
Assuming some smarts and a decent idea to start with, the yellow brick road is walked one step at a time and with daily practice.
On the way, we’ll learn how to make things happen, become good at finding answers, and get better at what we do.
Skippy strategy: These are the yards and we choose to walk.
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