February 18, 2016

It’s not you


Most times, first reactions straight from the gut are pretty much on the money. Not bankable, but not bad.

Most times.

And then, with no notice, your gut lets you down.

Those times you wish you’d looked again, double checked, peered behind the curtain, waited one more day. When suspending judgement would have been worth the effort.

It’s more acute with disappointments – when a trusted friend drops the ball. But it goes both ways – when someone fails to live down to expectations and they actually come through.

And then, there’s those times when something doesn’t happen and it’s actually (just this once mind) your fault. And a final check saves your face.

There’s always doubt until there’s no doubt. Until then, it’s worth a double check.

Skippy Strategy: Don’t send the email until you’re good and sure.
