October 23, 2016

The formula


The thing about doing what you’ve always done, as they say, is getting what you’ve always got.

Successful teams don’t ditch success. The formula works. If it ain’t broke …

And then they find themselves on to the rocks of doing more of the same. The problem is steady-state thinking – the people we serve will always want what we serve in the way that we serve it. Slowly-slowly ever-so-slowly, risk-taking is nixed and boat-rocking is steadied away. And the world turns, and the people we serve turn with it.

The alternative: experiment.

Every winning formula started out as something new, someone took a bunch of risks and some of them worked. Newness was baked in at the start.

Go forward by going back to risks. If they fail, praise rather than chastise, learn the lessons, try again.

That’s the formula.

Skippy strategy: Create a culture of experimenting.
