March 15, 2024

The head bone


The leg bone’s connected to the hip bone.

The hip bone’s connected to the back bone.

The back bone’s connected to the head bone.

Which means … everything’s connected to everything else.

Which means … when something in your team isn’t working … it’s connected to you.

When someone consistently underperforms, when commitments are abandoned undone, when prep isn’t prepped, when deadlines are missed, when the toilet seat is broken, when suppliers let you down, when customer complain, when things go right and when things go wrong … it’s connected to you.

And you have a choice.

Let it slide – don’t learn the lesson, don’t put processes in place, don’t measure and manage. Do trust to chance and the goodwill of others to maybe-maybe stop the bad things happening again.

Pick it up – take responsibility and organise for success next time around.

Skippy strategy: Don’t let it slide. Learn and organise for success.
