June 19, 2021

What you get used to


It’s what you get used to.

If you’re used to happy customers, when one starts to complain, you pay attention.

If you’re used to unhappy customers, when one starts to complain, you turn to the next thing on list because, y’ know, all customers complain.

If you’re used to happy staff, when one raises something that’s not the way it should be, you dig in and sort things out.

If you’re used to unhappy staff, when one raised their head above the parapet, you duck and cover, look the other way, or reach out for someone to replace them.

If you’re used to fulfilling commitments, when one is missed, you feel bad and do everything you can to make it right.

If you’re used to letting things slide, when another thing misses, you let it slide too and sit back in your seat.

Skippy strategy: Get used to the good.
