March 12, 2023

With news


When there’s good news, get it out there. Tell anyone who needs to know. Then tell every other bunch of people who should or might be interested. This happened and we’re happy to tell you about it.

Bad news isn’t so easy. The general rule is the same … get it to anyone who needs to know. Then tell every other bunch who might be affected. Rather they hear from you than the grapevine. (On grapevines: they’re uncontrollable. You can try, you might win for a while, but in the end the vines will break out of the building.)

Manage the news? Yes. Accentuate the positives? Absolutely. Shine a light on the upside? Of course. The best thing to do with news of any kind though is always to make sure it gets where it needs to be.

Skippy strategy: Whatever the news, good or bad, get it out there.
