May 6, 2016

Back to me

Personal picture

The big picture is … big.

It includes everything – from gleam in my eye to mud in yours. Idea to celebration. All the people, all the parts, all the strategies and all the smarts.

And today … we’re here. This is the sum of all our efforts so far. We’ve adjusted the plan, shifted the moving parts, made a bunch of progress, and this shiny new version of the plan, this, is our best understanding of where we are, what’s next, and how we’ll get to the goal.

That’s the big picture.

It’s important to get it out there, but it’s even more important to realise that every time there’s a change, everyone is thinking … I’m in there somewhere. Where do I fit? How does all this affect me?

So your next job, right after the big picture, is the personal picture.

Skippy strategy: When they give you that “back to me” look, go back.
