June 29, 2016

Man(ag)ing up

Wrapped up

Shhh! Don’t let them know who told you, but … most managers are so wrapped up in their own world that they pay less attention to what you’re up to than you’d think, than they should, and that’s healthy for the organisation.

That might sound like a mandate for slackers, but it’s even worse for the motivated.

If you’re trying to … move things on, make a difference, build a better mousetrap … you need help. It comes in many flavours, like time, attention, latitude, funding, authority, cheering.

And the problem is, the person you expect to give it – the person you’d imagine was heavily motivated to seek out and support energetic efforts – is probably looking in the wrong direction.

Unless you shout.

So, deep breath, manage your manager.

Seek them out, explain the project, its objectives, the plan, and the help you need.

Skippy strategy: Man up, and manage up the chain.
