June 13, 2016

Roll-in plan


The day is coming. Months or hope, sacrifice and hard yards are slowly bringing you step by stumble towards launch. Marketing are on the case, production is planning, bugs are being busted and logistical wrestling is putting balls in play. Everything jockeying for the roll-out.

With all that attention and jeopardy and fear and excitement, it’s easy to forget some important people … everyone else.

Not involved in the roll-out but affected just the same. They’ve heard rumours and half-stories, maybe the big idea once or twice. Now, attention turning outward, they’re being left behind.

How does it affect me? What’s my place? How can I help? What will change? When’s the training? How does it work? Where does it fit? What about … everything?

Now’s the time to start the roll in.

Skippy strategy: Rolling it out? Roll it in first.
