January 10, 2022

Their efforts


When someone does some specific thing brilliantly, it’s natural for everyone to pat them on the back. They get the glow that comes from recognition by their peers and the satisfaction of a job well done.

There are some people though who go about their job every day with the same kind of diligence, the same attention to detail, the same stick-to-it attitude, and produce the same kind of outcomes – and everyone knows it. But because it’s every day, because it’s what everyone has come to expect, they never get the recognition, they never get the pats on the back – and it’s easy to think that nobody notices or cares.

If you do notice, if you do care, let them know. Tell them. Shine a light on their efforts, show them they’re appreciated and valued, and pat them on the back for being amazing.

Skippy strategy: Show them you know.
