They’ll bounce
There’s more to bringing people into the team than finding the talent to do the work. Most times, the core capacity to do the work is a hygiene factor. It’s fundamentally important but all it does it get them in the game – with it, they’re past the first hurdle, without it, they’re a faller.
After that, it’s about attitude and aptitude and work ethic, and will this person’s personality and character fit with the people we already have? Which doesn’t cookie cutter. It does mean that attitude and aptitude and work ethic have to be in line with what’s already there (or what you’d like to be there and are actively working towards) and that their personality and character will have to be, at least, compatible.
Get either one of these things wrong, and they’ll bounce.
Skippy strategy: First, the chops. Then attitude, aptitude and work ethic.
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