Things to ask new starters #1
New starters join you from someplace else in the world; another department, education, travels, a competitor, supplier, other. Wherever they came from and whatever they did there, they have two unique attributes that don’t apply to anyone else in your world: their experiences and their first impressions.
Which means they’re a deep mine of insight and advice for any manager with a lunchtime to spare and a curious mind.
A few weeks after they’ve joined – after they’ve lost the wild eyes and before they’ve had a chance to acquire a breath of Stockholm syndrome – make it safe, and ask ‘em:
1. What surprised you?
So they did some research, interviewed, maybe twice or more. Along the way they gained an impression of your organisation and maybe joined some dots that weren’t really there. Then they turned up and bang! Reality hits.
Skippy strategy: Learn how accurately you position yourselves; things to build or tidy.
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