Tag Archive: values

Don’t Paint Values by Numbers

October 28, 2010

Paint by Numbers

“Our Values: customer focus, responsibility, innovation, performance, teamwork.”

What do you think when you read something like that?

“That’s an important list of drivers that gives me an insight into... READ MORE

How to have a difficult conversation

September 23, 2009


Every manager has to deal with uncomfortable situations from time to time.

From giving constructive feedback to letting people go, difficult conversations are part of... READ MORE

8 reasons to ask 5 whys

May 11, 2009

What are you doing? Lots of stuff, right?

It's easy to be seduced by action - doing all the whats of what we're doing.


Image copyright: annnna

It feels... READ MORE

How to choose your partners

April 18, 2009

This week I got involved in a conversation that had lawyers sitting on the other side of the table. Thankfully not the kind of discussion that happens when things go bad, but the other kind,... READ MORE