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One small thing


Not every team is a natural fit of talents.

Experiences differ, egos get in the way. Specific skills might be in shortage and assumptions have a habit of tripping things up and biting everyone in the backlog right at the same time. In other words … people!

Starting with the expectation that one way or another, we (the people around this table) are going to get from where we are now to where we need to go, the question is really about how we (us, still here!) will achieve it.

We can make it hard, fight each other over ever fork, moan about missing resources and lack of time, argue about commitments and priorities and delivery from here until the end of time.

Or we can find a way to work together.

Start simple, manual, shoulder to shoulder.

Scale up from there.

Skippy strategy: One small thing as a team, then keep building.

Get a daily nudge on the flywheel

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