January 3, 2025

In other, other words

Bike path

Sitting here, with all the talents assembled in the room, with the years of experience and access to almost boundless information … we’re not sure. We have a good idea of some of the pieces, we know there are some blanks, and we have some belief.

Assuming we don’t want to park it, what’s the best way of gathering the missing pieces?

Get on with it. 

Build the actual product, roof of concept, prototype, alpha, beta. Put all the pieces in play and walk the problem around the loop.


Keep getting closer, keep adding, keep turning leaps of faith into leaps of understanding.

In other words, when you don’t know, accept that you don’t know and keep going anyway. Paying attention, filling in the blanks and course correction along the way.

In other, other words, keep making progress.

And when we’re done, party, then keep going.

Skippy strategy: Get started.
