December 27, 2024

Start on the dragons


Between where you start on a project and the place you’re planning to get to, there’s a bunch of chasms to cross and dragons to slay. You know about some at the start, you come across others on the way.

Slightly perversely, it’s often easier to deal with the surprise chasms with dogged determination. You know you have no choice but to to build the bridge … so you work at it and work at it until you find a way.

The dragons you know about from the start – the nasty ones, the green ones, the big ones – tend to avoided as long as possible. Hoping they’re not as big or difficult or definitive as we think they are – maybe, magically, they’ll solve themselves.

It’s a nice idea, but not a bankable plan.

Skippy strategy: Start on the dragons as soon as you start on anything.
