December 10, 2022

A done deal


You’ve made the decision. It’s a done deal. Except it isn’t done. There’s all the doing still to do. One foot in front of the next, all the ducks taking their time to line into sweet little rows, this, then this, then this, all the way from now until it really is done.

In the mean time, it’s likely that the reasons you took the decision, what precipitated the issue in the first place – the irritations or the inefficiencies or the missed opportunities – will keep on keeping on.

Whilst you wait, whilst you herd the ducks, you have a choice. You can rail against the world, reminding everyone, at every opportunity, exactly why why why and how how how things are not as they should be. 

Or you can do the work and get on with preparing for when the deal truly is done.

Skippy strategy: Energy where it counts.
