January 7, 2020

As soon as


When is the right time to hire someone? As soon as you know you need them.

When is the right time to fire someone? As soon as you know you should.

When is the right time to give feedback? As soon as is possible.

When should you make the decision? As soon as you can and not after the critical moment.

What’s the best time to start on the project plan, or the work, or the deliverable, or the research, or the review, or the kick-off, or the comms plan, or the launch? As soon as you can and probably well before you’re feeling comfortable about everything.

The time to take action – even if it’s action to plan the real action – is as soon as you know that it’s needed.

The only question should be about priorities. What has to wait?

Skippy strategy: As soon as you know, get started.
