Eyes wide
Every now and again, opportunity charges its coach and horses right up to your door.
Stood on the threshold it’s tempting to grab hold, climb aboard, and hang on for the ride.
But take a beat to do some decent due diligence. Is this real or fantasy? Does it make sense to us, now, in this place? Are we ready, or can we get ready in time? Can we handle the rollercoaster if the road gets lumpy?
Take that beat to think clearly, highlight the risks and come up with contingencies, make obvious plans for obvious changes that will obviously happen if this thing takes off. Look yourselves in the mirror, hard, and make sure you’re not setting yourself up for an inevitable pratfall – and then take the necessary steps to make sure the pratfall can’t happen.
In other words, get ready to be ready.
Skippy strategy: Eyes wide as you open the door.
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