April 12, 2024

The left fork


It’s natural to find yourself on one side of an argument. Not the right side or the wrong side, but your own side – whether you carefully placed yourself there after considering all the evidence, or leapt to it by instinct. And when you’re there, you feel invested, and when you’re invested, you feel committed, and when you’re committed, you feel entrenched and fight for the cause (no matter what).

An easy fall from opinion to a battle-line.

Get out of the trenches, forget winning.

Stand together, as the team you are, to observe the wider field.

Ask together, for the left fork to be the way to go … what else would have to be true? For the right fork to be the way to go … what else would have to be true? 

Then look for the evidence together.

Skippy strategy: It’s not about winning the argument, it’s about left or right.
