Stop that
Most times, all we need to do is crack on.
Our day-to-day involves doing a bunch of things we know how to do, for people in places we’ve worked with before, to produce results we’re able to predict.
Sure, there are variations, and absolutely, we should take soundings and get the latest thinking and incorporate up to date details. All this is meat and drink around here. Standard operating procedure.
The problems come when we’re hampered by a glitch in that standard OP that involves passing the whole thing through a human-shaped bottleneck. A human-shaped bottleneck that’s wound itself into too many loops.
(Probably a human-shaped bottleneck that stares back at us from the mirror.)
No one’s so special that everything needs their personal intervention.
Yet somehow, we’ve allowed ourselves to be the bottleneck everyone complains about.
We know that.
Let’s stop that.
Skippy strategy: Insert yourself where necessary, not habitually.
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