A new mode
In a steady state world, assuming you’re reasonably ok at what you do, whether that’s individually or in your team, all you have to do is do what you’ve always done. In a steady state world, that will continue to bring you the results it’s always brought you. Assuming that reasonably ok results are reasonably ok with you, keep on doing what you’ve always done.
In a non steady state world, like, oh, this one, keeping on doing what you’ve always been doing is a route down the slope of diminishing results. That might feel ok at first, might even feel normal, but the slope curves exponentially and ends in a cliff.
In a non steady state world, like, oh, when you want more or better or faster – because you’re motivated – you need a new mode. Ask, what can I do differently?
Skippy strategy: To change results, do things differently.
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