Fourth hard bit
You’ve invented and sold the thing, and delivered the value the customer was buying.
Now, the hardest job of all: repeat, repeat, repeat. And again. And again.
With products: keeping a handle on systems and quality makes it’s easy enough to knock out consistent products when they’re built with atoms. Henry Ford taught the secrets of production: consistent sourcing, consistent handling, consistent attention to detail.
With services – good people, well trained, consistent standards.
So the trick to repetition … consistency.
And that’s what’s so hard.
Your eye wanders. New things, shiny things, demanding customers, interesting challenges, fires to fight.
Consistency takes a never ending focus. It means building and using controls that monitor and maintain. It takes constant contact, feeling the wind, hand guiding the tiller.
And that takes commitment.
The customer benefit: trusted, repeated, recommendable value.
Your benefit: growth.
Skippy strategy: Repeatable results mean freedom to build.
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