June 24, 2018

Go again


Even in the pursuit of skippiness, even when the good times are rolling, even when the cause is just and the path is clear. Even then, it can be tough going. 

For most of us, most of the time, bringing new things to the world, the good time don’t roll too well – they barely creak along. Most times, even when the cause is just the path is anything but clear – it rock-strewn, muddy, and disappears in the mists of what we don’t even know we don’t know. 

In both groups, tough going is the reality we deal with and have been dealing with for months.

Good or bad, happy days or no, the next step is the same … organise for success and suck it up.

Plan and orchestrate to oil the wheels of progress. Recuperate at oases. Take on provisions and keep moving forward.

Skippy strategy: Recuperate, then go again.
