December 18, 2022

How they’re doing


How are they doing? Are they on track or off? What are they working on? Not just in general, (although, yes, in general) but in the specific – this week, this month – what are their objectives? Who are they working with, who’s helping and who’s getting in the way? What are they struggling with? Do you know? Do you care?

If you asked the same questions of them, would they know the answers? If you asked them what they thought you’d say, would then be close to the mark?

Everybody’s busy doing their thing. Some are putting their soul into it with buckets of energy … and they want you to notice. To notice what they’re doing, how they’re doing and how they’re doing at it. Others are trying to hide.

Let them all know that you know, you notice and you care.

Skippy strategy: By noticing, let them know you care.
